Surfside Pools has been moving earth for over 45 years. Water and groundwater management are an integral part of any site. if managed properly it is an unseen issue. If not water can be be incredibly destructive, eroding hillsides, flooding neighbors, flooding your home. This has become even more evident in the last few years with the increased frequency of hurricanes, superstorms, and blizzards. Many municipalities are already hyper vigilant. There is a good chance that stormwater management will be a part of the planning and construction process of your pool.
Zoning districts, wetlands and watercourses, proximity to neighbors, local town ordinances, NYSDEP and NYSDEC guidelines can all be a part of the planning process. We are experienced in dealing with many of the municipalities in Westchester and Fairfield counties. We have worked with many Landscape Architects and Engineers in the area. In our initial site consultation these issues will become a part of the dialogue. We can guide you through the requirements and recommend the services of licensed professionals who are the best in their field if this becomes an issue on your site.
From the simplest drainage systems to the most complicated – piping, curtain drains, subsurface infiltrators, pre-treatment tanks, rain gardens – we have the experience and technical knowledge to divert, contain and deal with storm water and make your pool project a success.